Lunar Eclipse 2010

Lunar Eclipse 2010 - If you live in the East, the bad weather will make it hard if not impossible to see the lunar eclipse that is happening tonight. And if you live on the West coast, you might be fast aslseep when it hits.

What will the lunar eclipse look like? The moon will have a “dramatically colorful appearance — from bright orange to blood red to dark brown and perhaps gray.” Sounds pretty cool, no? But if you are like most, you probably won’t stay up that late or wake the kids up to watch it, and even if you did, could you see it? Well there is help.

NASA has put together a Total Lunar Eclipse “Up All Night” page that chronicles the eclipse and when and where it can be seen. They also have a live stream of the eclipse so you can watch it from the comfort of your bed and not have to brave the cold air to see this amazing phenomenon. (

Check out the site right here!
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